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COVID-19 Updates For 2021


As we prepare to open the pool for the 2021 season, we wish to inform you of the updated rules and regulations placed upon Swimming Pool Operators and Aquatic Centers by the State of Ohio and Medina County Health Department. We are also aware of the recently updated guidance provided by the C.D.C. We are sensitive regarding the impact and inconvenience to everyone, however we respectfully ask for your help to comply with these regulations.

We are asking all employees and guests to remain home if they have a fever, cough, or any other possible signs of COVID-19 or other transmittable illness.

The regulations require that a mask be worn by everyone over ten (10) years old if they are indoors and unable to social distance. In our case that would apply to anyone using the restrooms and change area. Away from these areas a mask is not required if you follow proper social distancing. Proper social distancing is defined as remaining six feet apart from another person that is not a member of your immediate household. Pool furniture will be staged in an effort to maintain proper social distancing. If you need to move any furniture, please do it in a way to accommodate your family members only, meaning those residing in your household.

We will continue with our surface cleaning and sanitizing programs that were implemented during the 2020 season. We will clean and sanitize all furniture used by a guest after they have departed. In addition, we will make available other cleaning supplies if you wish to use them. Bathrooms will be checked every two hours, cleaned and re-stocked as needed, and will also be cleaned and sanitized every day.

Keeping your hands clean is one of the most effective things you can do to stop the spread of COVID-19. We supply soap and hand sanitizer dispensers in various locations around the facility. We highly recommend washing your hands frequently and using sanitizer.

We reserve the right to limit the number of people using the facility at one time to assure proper social distancing. If limitations become necessary, we will do what we can within reason to accommodate everyone. It may require us to limit the day a guest can use the pool, or the amount of time they can remain at the pool. We take no pleasure in implementing such limitations, but we ask you to please respect our obligation to comply with state and local regulations.

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