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To Our Blue Heron Swim & Tennis Club Members; From your New Owners

Kara Jackowski

Blue Heron Lakes Swim & Tennis Club, LLC

3229 Blue Heron Trace

Medina, OH 44256

March 31, 2020

To All Blue Heron Estates Homeowners:

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and inform you of some exciting changes for 2020. As of the first of the year, Blue Heron Lakes Swim & Tennis Club, LLC is the new Independent Facilities Operator and managers of the swimming pool and tennis courts under the deed restrictions for Blue Heron Estates homeowners.

Blue Heron Lakes Swim & Tennis Club, LLC is managed by Bill and Nancy Schoenstein who have many years of experience in business management and delivering superior service to customers. Blue Heron Lakes Swim & Tennis Club, LLC is looking forward to a fun season with many smiles and memories with family and friends. Opening day for this season is planned for Saturday, May 23, 2020, weather permitting and hopefully the corona virus pandemic being under control. Blue Heron Estates is a beautiful and upscale neighborhood that has enjoyed swimming facilities and tennis courts that were provided by the developer.

Blue Heron Lakes Swim & Tennis Club, LLC recognizes the important and trusted role in becoming the new Independent Facilities Operator and is committed to maintaining the property to the highest of standards. Its mission is to deliver the highest quality experience to all of our guests. The facilities are wonderful amenities in your development and help to preserve the value of your property.

Communication between the residents and our management team will begin with a new website The site is currently under construction and we expect it to be operational by May 1, 2020. We will link the site to Facebook and Twitter. Wi-Fi has been installed at the pool and is available for free to all guests.

As the manager of the swimming pool the following will be completed prior to opening:

(1) the security fence around the pool and gates are being repaired and power washed; (2) the pool facilities building and concrete surrounding the pool are being power washed; (3) an automatic pool cleaner is being installed; (4) the parking lot is being sealcoated and striped; and (4) the drinking fountain is being repaired. The options for concessions are being considered and what will be available will be announced prior to opening.

Family and individual activities at the pool are being planned around the holidays. Adult only swimming, discounted ice cream days, and other fun events are still in the planning stage. Birthday parties or other special events will be encouraged as long as they do not interfere with the other residents use of the pool.

Most of the staff will be returning this season so there will be familiar faces. Phil Brewer will continue as the Lifeguard Manager, Mackenzie Durken is our Administrative Manager, and Bill will be the General Manager and is a Certified Pool and Spa Operator.

With regard to the tennis courts, they are being evaluated for several maintenance issues that will need to be taken care of. There is a water drainage problem that is impacting the court surfaces that is being addressed. Stripes are being added at the request of several homeowners, for pickle ball play. The tennis court parking lot is also being seal coated and striped for parking spaces. Other improvements are being considered for the future. The nets will be installed and the courts opened for use as quickly as possible keeping in mind the necessary repairs.

The recreational fee that is paid by all homeowners has not changed and will continue to be collected by the CPA firm who currently collects the fees. Be assured that the fees you pay are invested in the improvement and operation of the facilities. Blue Heron Lakes Swim & Tennis Club, LLC appreciates your prompt payment of these fees. Our staff will use their best efforts to deliver great recreational facilities with fun and memorable experiences for your family. If needed, our preferred method of communication is by e-mail. For something urgent or requiring immediate attention, a phone call will be fine. We will make every effort to respond promptly to voice mails and e-mails.


Bill Schoenstein, CPO

Independent Facilities Operator


Nancy Schoenstein

Independent Facilities Operator


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