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Update On Tennis Courts Security And Maintenance


As communicated earlier this year, we have made some improvements at the tennis courts for the enjoyment of Blue Heron Estates residents. The drainage problem seems to be resolved, the parking lot is repaired and sealed, and we added "curbs" to deflect water runoff and snow melt from the hill on the north side.The courts have been striped for pickle ball play and we have made minor repairs to the nets. Poison ivy and weeds have been sprayed and cut back. We are investigating products to seal the surface cracks which are very typical on tennis court surfaces.

We have been told that some area residents think that the tennis courts are available to the public or they are an amenity of the Medina County parks system. The facilities are provided for the exclusive use of Blue Heron Estates residents and their guests. We have had reports of some children and young adults that have used the courts to play soccer, to ride their bikes, skateboards, and scooters. This type of activity can easily damage the surface which is relatively soft.

As a result, we are in the process of installing a push button style lock on the gate that requires the use of a code. You will enter the code as you go into the tennis courts, and for safety you will exit without a code by simply using the inside handle. This code number has been distributed by e-mail to all residents, and will also be included in your next monthly recreational fee billing. To retain some level of security, we will not be posting the number on the website. We will change the number at the end of the season and will provide a new number prior to reopening in the spring. We realize this is not a perfect solution to securing the tennis courts, but its better than leaving the gate completely unlocked. Please do your part in protecting the code number by using it only for yourself or your guests.

Be assured that we are not trying to keep any resident, or any guest of a resident out of the tennis courts. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or if for some reason you have not received the code number in one of our communications.


Bill Schoenstein


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